Big party in the senior citizens' residence Hedwig Henneböhl
Caption for picture 1: Many visitors accepted the invitation to the public laying of the foundation stone in the senior citizens' residence Hedwig Henneböhl.
Caption for Fig. 2: The certificate for the laying of the foundation stone was put into the time capsule by Managing Director Philipp Vetter, Chairman of the Foundation Board of the Odenwald Care Foundation, Annegret Hoffmann, and Managing Director Michael Vetter (from left to right) together with the current daily newspaper and other documents.
Caption for Fig. 3: The foundation stone for the general practice of general practitioners has been laid. The managing directors Michael Vetter and Philipp Vetter (front, from left to right) as well as Regina Luck, Pia Mester, Annegret Hoffmann, Gert R. von Neindorff, Angela Scheil and Susanne Blecher (back row from left to right) are delighted.
Caption for Fig. 4: Before it was stowed in the time capsule, the certificate was read out by Annegret Hoffmann, Chairwoman of the Odenwald Care Foundation's Board of Directors.
by Gert R. von Neindorff
(ODENWALDKREIS). On the property of the senior citizens 'residence Hedwig Henneböhl in Oberzent, the laying of the foundation stone of the general practice group practice and the new premises for the mobile care Oberzent was celebrated in a great atmosphere with more than 250 guests with free drinks and a "greeting from the kitchen" of the senior citizens' residence. The Gammelsbach brass band provided a nice musical setting.
After the beer tapping by Christina Obenauer from the Brunnen pharmacy, Annegret Hoffmann, chairwoman of the board of the Odenwald Care Foundation, welcomed all guests warmly. In her address she emphasized that a long-planned project is now being implemented by the Odenwald Care Foundation as the owner and is now taking on visible forms. The senior citizens' residence Hedwig Henneböhl will continue to develop into a meeting place for generations.
The foundation stone was laid with the sinking of a time capsule in which a certificate and the current daily newspaper as well as a flyer about the offers of the Pflegezentrum Odenwald GmbH were stowed. The concreted shaft was then closed with an engraved sandstone slab.
Why is construction going on?
On October 1, 2013, the Odenwald Care Foundation opened the inpatient care facility in the senior citizens' residence Hedwig Henneböhl with 106 care places. After only three years, the available care places were all occupied for the first time. The great demand continues to this day.
In several conversations with the former city of Beerfelden, the importance of safe medical care for our outpatient and inpatient care facility in Oberzent was pointed out. An inpatient care facility has to ensure family doctor care for all residents vis-à-vis the home supervisor. Those who cannot do this must expect their facility to be closed. Documented since 2010, it has been waiting for years for something to develop in Oberzent. But there were no concrete decisions.
In a conversation in the summer of 2012, the Odenwald Care Foundation announced its decision to an investor for a medical center in Beerfelden.If nothing happens by September 1, 2013, we will set up a general practice in the Hedwig Henneböhl senior citizens' residence.
General practitioner care in Oberzent has now stabilized. Nursing manager Angela Scheil: “We are very happy about that. We work very well with all the doctors and also with the Brunnen pharmacy in Oberzent ”.
Even if the Odenwald Care Foundation is not a member of the Health Care Cooperation Oberzent eV, its representatives were reported comprehensively and very early on about the project. From there, this commitment was again and again very much welcomed, the same applies to the health department of the Odenwaldkreis.
There is unanimous agreement among the medical profession that an individual general practitioner practice has no future. However, there are no rooms for a general practice group practice in Oberzent. That is why the Odenwald Care Foundation is building these premises. "We will do everything we can to ensure that our general practice group practice becomes a beacon in the region," says Managing Director Michael Vetter.
Even if no concrete decision has yet been made about leasing to doctors for the generally accessible group practice, the Odenwald Care Foundation is sure that its location is the best in Oberzent and refers to many existing structures such as caretaker services, woodchipping systems, IT - and telephone system. IT and telephone structure. This also includes a separate and spacious entrance area as well as barrier-free rooms. The optimal infrastructure with doctor's room and treatment rooms is emphasized. Last but not least, the very good parking lot supply with direct access to the practice. More than 3000 patients can be cared for in the practice rooms.
However, the Odenwald Care Foundation does not want to go unmentioned the extensive already existing advisory services on health and long-term care insurance, in-patient and out-patient care in-house, as well as the public restaurant with cafe and the cabaret with bistro. Michael Vetter: In concrete terms, we can already offer more than just practice rooms ".
The Odenwald Care Foundation will offer the general practice group practice to interested doctors rent-free for two years, thereafter for five euros per square meter. The premises should be ready in two years after the laying of the foundation stone, if possible earlier. However, there will be no public grants for the general practice of general practitioners or for the new premises of the Oberzent mobile nursing home. More practice rooms for specialists?
Over the years it has been shown that it is difficult to find specialists with an independent practice for the Oberzent. Despite an active application. If there is a specific request, the Odenwald Care Foundation still wants to think about it. “However, we cannot build premises that nobody wants. We are also not allowed to assume such a risk and liability for it ”.
The Odenwald Care Foundation has already invested 10 million euros in the Hedwig Henneböhl senior citizens' residence. There was no public funding for this either. At least another 500,000 euros are added every year. 100 jobs have been created in Oberzent in the outpatient and inpatient care facility. More highly qualified jobs will follow.
A project-related development plan is currently being drawn up with the city of Oberzent for the further planning of the Hedwig Henneböhl senior citizens' residence. The future development should develop further towards the west to the core city.
In January, after extensive renovation and renovation work for the management of the Hedwig Henneböhl senior citizens' residence, eight new office rooms with state-of-the-art office communication will be handed over to their destination. We will also expand the restaurant by a further 15 seats in the first quarter of 2019. This year a bistro was completed next to the cabaret with toilet facilities.
The Odenwald Care Foundation was founded in 2007 by the Odenwald Care Center in order to ensure a sustainable structure for the people in the Odenwald district that was built up on its own. This foundation also belongs to itself according to foundation law. The city of Oberzent has a very special benefit here. Michael Vetter: “We are developing our location in Oberzent of our own free will. We want to do something for the people in the region. The Odenwald Care Foundation is therefore happy to receive any public support ”.
PUBLISHER: Odenwald Care Foundation, Gert-R. von Neindorff, Elsa-Brändström-Str. 13, 64711 Erbach, Tel. 06062 / 9408-12, Fax 06062 / 9408-18 or Email: gert